Image illustrative de Blackstone
Image illustrative de Blackstone


Intense, compelling and confrontational, Blackstone is an unmuted exploration of First Nations’ power and politics, unfolding over nine one-hour episodes. This raw, authentic drama tells the story of the fictional Blackstone First Nation, suffering disintegration by its own hand – the result of the corruption of ...

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Terminée Canadienne 60 minutes
Drame, Drama Showcase, Showcase (CA) 2011

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Liste des épisodes

Episode 5.01
Beginning of the End
Episode 5.02
Super Dad
Episode 5.03
The Worm has Turned
Episode 5.04
Back In The Saddle
Episode 5.05
The River's Edge
Episode 5.06
Episode 5.07
Bottle Caps
Episode 5.08
Flat Line