Image illustrative de Heartland
Image illustrative de Heartland


B.L. McCutcheon (Brian Keith) is a Nebraska farmer forced to move in with his daughter and her family when the bank forecloses on his farm. He doesn't care much for his son-in-law and disapproves with the couple's child-rearing skills.

Terminée Canadienne 45 minutes
Drame, Comedy CBC, Canal+ Family, CBS 1989

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Avis sur la saison 4

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Liste des épisodes

Episode 4.01
Episode 4.02
What Dreams May Become
Episode 4.03
Road Curves
Episode 4.04
Episode 4.05
Where The Truth Lies
Episode 4.06
Win, Place or Show
Episode 4.07
Episode 4.08
One Day
Episode 4.09
Local Hero
Episode 4.10
Mood Swings
Episode 4.11
Family Business
Episode 4.12
Lost Song
Episode 4.13
The Road Home
Episode 4.14
Leap of Faith
Episode 4.15
The River
Episode 4.16
Never Surrender
Episode 4.17
Burning Down the House
Episode 4.18