Image illustrative de NTSF:SD:SUV::
Image illustrative de NTSF:SD:SUV::



L'agent spécial Trent Hauser appartient à l'unité d'élite anti-terroriste, NTSF:SD:SUV.

Terminée Américaine 11 minutes
Comédie, Action, Comedy Adult Swim 2011

1 avis favorable
0 avis neutre
0 avis défavorable

Avis sur l'épisode 3.10

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Liste des épisodes

Episode 3.01
Comic Con-Air
Episode 3.02
Hawaii Die-0
Episode 3.03
Extra Terrorist-rial
Episode 3.04
Burn After Killing
Episode 3.05
TGI Murder
Episode 3.06
The Great Train Stoppery
Episode 3.07
A Hard Drive to Swallow
Episode 3.08
Unfrozen Agent Man
Episode 3.09
Trading Faces
Episode 3.10
Episode 3.11
How Piper Got Her Groove Initially
Episode 3.12
Wreck the Malls