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Image illustrative de Review


From the dangers of drug addiction to the joys of sleeping with a celebrity, Forrest reviews anything his TV audience throws at him. He fully commits to showing us what life experiences feel like, sometimes at the expense of his family and humanity in general.

Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy Comedy Central 2014

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Avis sur l'épisode 2.08

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Liste des épisodes

Episode 2.01
Brawl; Blackmail; Glory Hole
Episode 2.02
Curing Homosexuality; Mile High Club
Episode 2.03
Falsely Accused; Sleep With Your Teacher; Little Person
Episode 2.04
Cult; Perfect Body
Episode 2.05
Catfish; Haunted House
Episode 2.06
William Tell; Grant a Wish; Rowboat
Episode 2.07
Buried Alive; 6 Star Review; Public Speaking
Episode 2.08
Murder; Magic 8 Ball; Procrastination
Episode 2.09
Happiness; Pillow Fight; Imaginary Friend
Episode 2.10
Conspiracy Theory