Image illustrative de Perfect Couples
Image illustrative de Perfect Couples

Perfect Couples

This romantic comedy follows the exploits of three different types of couples. Dave and Julia are the relatable couple, Vance and Amy are a high-passion, high-drama couple and Rex and Leigh consider themselves to be relationship experts and the "perfect couple''.

Terminée Américaine 25 minutes
Comédie, Comedy NBC 2010

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Informations détaillées

Titre original Perfect Couples
Titre français Perfect Couples
Année de création 2010
Chaîne(s) de diffusion NBC
Format 25
Nationalité(s) Américaine
Genre(s) Comédie, Comedy
Résumé complet This romantic comedy follows the exploits of three different types of couples. Dave and Julia are the relatable couple, Vance and Amy are a high-passion, high-drama couple and Rex and Leigh consider themselves to be relationship experts and the "perfect couple''.
