Mais qui est Lorenzo Von Matterhorn ?

Le 17 novembre 2009 à 23:58  |  ~ 4 minutes de lecture
Lorenzo Von Matterhorn, un personnage joué par Barney Stinson dans le dernier épisode de How I Met Your Mother diffusé hier soir oblige Wikipedia à fermer sa page.

Mais qui est Lorenzo Von Matterhorn ?

~ 4 minutes de lecture
Lorenzo Von Matterhorn, un personnage joué par Barney Stinson dans le dernier épisode de How I Met Your Mother diffusé hier soir oblige Wikipedia à fermer sa page.

Lorenzo Von Matterhorn


Lors du dernier épisode de How I Met Your Mother (5.08), The Playbook, Barney a fait part d'une technique de drague particulière puisqu'elle recquiérait de créer plein de faux sites internet afin de prétendre être une personnalité importante. Rapidement, l'opération a fait le buzz et une page Wikipedia rassemblant toutes les informations a été créée. Malheuresement, Wikipedia n'apprécie et ne veut pas de fiction sur son site et a rapidement redirigé la page en question vers celle de l'épisode.

Néanmoins on a pu garder ses informations avec le cache de Google : sa nationalité, ses exploits, ses multiples opérations pour réduire la taille de son penis ...

Traduction rapide d'un paragraphe :

Dès son plus jeune âge, Lorenzo a été diagnostiqué d'une maladie rendant son penis trop gros. Cette maladie lui a causé de fréquentes amnésies à court-terme. Lorenzo était connu pour partir après des relations et ne jamais rappeler, cela ne devrait pas lui être reproché vu sa maladie. Fatigué de devoir commander des sous-vêtements sur mesure, Lorenzo a subi plusieurs opérations de réductions pour la taille de son penis.

Version complète :

Lorenzo Von Matterhorn was born somewhere in Switzerland in the spring of 1974. The exact date and circumstances of his birth are unknown since he was immediately placed in a basket and tossed in a river. Young Lorenzo rode the pristine Alpine glacial melt waters for hundreds of miles until a young Milanese woman discovered the basket along the banks of the river Po. Some say it was this first early journey to Milan that fueled both his love of exploration and fashion. The woman would raise Lorenzo as her own, naming him Lorenzo after her father and giving him the surname Von Matterhorn to reflect his Swiss heritage as well as his uncommonly large penis.

Shortly after his family moved to New York City in the late 70’s, Lorenzo began rescuing stray puppies and other cute animals. As someone who had been abandoned himself, Lorenzo recognized both the pain of loneliness as well as the power of hope. One evening, while nursing a particularly cute Cocker Spaniel back to health, Lorenzo noticed the rest of his brood howling in unison. Curious as to their abilities, he spent the next several months developing their voices and then entered them as a musical act in a local festival under the name DOG STEVENS. They took first place, and went on to become one of the most successful animal musical acts since The Beatles.

At an early age, Lorenzo was diagnosed with phallumegaly, or bigness of penis disorder. As a result of his illness Lorenzo’s sense of balance frequently shifts, causing short-term memory loss. Lorenzo has been known to walk away from situations and not call again, and shouldn’t be held accountable when he does. Tired of ordering custom underwear and furniture, Lorenzo has pursued penis reduction surgery a number of times only to be told it’s too risky.


Quelques liens :

J'en profite pour annoncer que Neil Patrick Harris a ouvert son compte Twitter : ActuallyNPH. Son premier tweet : My first tweet, peeps. I apologize in advance for my slow learning curve. Nice to (sort of) meet you. It's amazing how quickly 140 charac.

Lorenzo Von Matterhorn was born somewhere in Switzerland in the spring of 1974. The exact date and circumstances of his birth are unknown since he was immediately placed in a basket and tossed in a river. Young Lorenzo rode the pristine Alpine glacial melt waters for hundreds of miles until a young Milanese woman discovered the basket along the banks of the river Po. Some say it was this first early journey to Milan that fueled both his love of exploration and fashion. The woman would raise Lorenzo as her own, naming him Lorenzo after her father and giving him the surname Von Matterhorn to reflect his Swiss heritage as well as his uncommonly large penis.

Shortly after his family moved to New York City in the late 70’s, Lorenzo began rescuing stray puppies and other cute animals. As someone who had been abandoned himself, Lorenzo recognized both the pain of loneliness as well as the power of hope. One evening, while nursing a particularly cute Cocker Spaniel back to health, Lorenzo noticed the rest of his brood howling in unison. Curious as to their abilities, he spent the next several months developing their voices and then entered them as a musical act in a local festival under the name DOG STEVENS. They took first place, and went on to become one of the most successful animal musical acts since The Beatles.

At an early age, Lorenzo was diagnosed with phallumegaly, or bigness of penis disorder. As a result of his illness Lorenzo’s sense of balance frequently shifts, causing short-term memory loss. Lorenzo has been known to walk away from situations and not call again, and shouldn’t be held accountable when he does. Tired of ordering custom underwear and furniture, Lorenzo has pursued penis reduction surgery a number of times only to be told it’s too risky.



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La critique est en préparation, et c'est tout simplement énorme ce qu'ils ont fait.

Avatar marckoleptik
j ai regardé l épisode hier soir et je dois dire que je n avais pas autant rit depuis très longtemps devant un épisode d une série ....

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